Can you get Milford on Sea on the NHS?

Thing about ‘summer’ this year is you have to Seize the Fish when the opportunity presents itself. OK I know Carpe Diem means seize the day, but any mention of Carp just begs for a deliberate mis-translation in what passes for my mind. So Seize the Fish it is. Spread the use, you know it makes (no) sense!

To what was I alluding? Oh yes, break in bad weather equals chance to get out of the house. Wife had been feeling poorly for most of day yesterday so when the evening came and offered nothing in the way of precipitation and only Germany versus Holland on the tele, I suggested a short drive to Milford on Sea. Why MoS? It has the advantage of car parks right on the front with disabled spaces and benches which look out over the sea to the Needles.

Strangely to my mind, but I’ve already drawn too much attention to that anyway, there were not too many people enjoying the not cold evening so it was remarkably quiet. Since we’re not yet old enough to sit sleeping