Details of 2011 display are here. So the season of mellow fruitfulness, giant fun-size chocolate bar bags and very loud bangs is upon us. If you can find time to walk in the Forest you’ll be rewarded by the Autumn colours, but according to the forecast, you’d better make it sharpish as it’s due to get a tad windy and wind is the natural enemy of dead and dying leaves. Hopefully wind won’t be an issue on Saturday 7th November as the annual Rotary Firework Extravaganza takes off. To be entirely honest I’m not really sure what the Rotary Club of Lymington do when they’re not letting off fireworks, but there seems to be a symmetry between their name and visual pyrotechnics. OK, maybe that’s just me then…
A nice chap at the club gave me a little background as to why they even bother when bad weather like last year can rather ruin it all. Apparently Rotary runs their fireworks display more than anything else as an option for families to go to a firework display inexpensively, and to prevent the risk of horrific injuries which are suffered by children every year. They also try and make some money which is passed on to local charities. All most commendable.
The fireworks are supplied by Graham Butler who is a local licensed Pyrotechnist. Being told this did make me