A small confession, I don’t really like going to the doctors, or any other medical practitioner for that matter. It’s not down to any deep seated angst from childhood or a traumatic aesculapian episode in a former life. No it’s because it means I am unwell, and I don’t like being unwell. Regrettably Wife has had more than her fair share of brushes with the medical profession, some beneficial, some not so. I had hoped that I would balance it out by being super-fit and boundlessly healthy, but apparently you have to make an effort to find yourself in that condition, and a solitary 1Km swim per week doesn’t cut it. Who would have guessed….
So anyway, some seven weeks ago I had occasion to have to lift the MiL off of a low sofa she had parked herself on and could not get back out of. Funny thing is that at the time I felt no ill effect whatsoever, well apart from slight annoyance that is. A short while later I became aware of a distinctly unhelpful feeling near the base of my spine, assumed muscle pull and did no more. After a while it became clear that if it was muscle, then muscle was not cooperating in the restorative process, so I visited the GP. “Ah you seem to have compressed a disk and as a result it has squeezed out a bit”, she said. Best news I had all day. So I was armed with prescription for anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants and suggested I found a chiropractor. I’ll be honest, somewhere in my brain there is a little short-circuit and I therefore always get momentarily confused between chiropodists and chiropractors. No idea why. Having got over the initial confusion as to why I needed a foot specialist, I made an appointment with the Lymington Chiropractic Clinic website here based on personal recommendation.
It’s down one of those little alleys off the High Street that support so much of Lymington’s entrepreneurial activity and to be honest, relatively easy to miss if you don’t know where it is. However once changed into one of the more masculine cotton gowns on offer (I really did consider the fluffy gown just for effect it might have), the first visit was all about diagnosis. Fortunately the broad diagnosis was the same as the GP, so I didn’t have the problem of warring medical types. To cut a long story short, after three visits I suspect I am beginning to feel the benefit, although having decided to walk to and from each appointment, it’s kinda hard to tell right now. What is clear is that after many years of hard manual work in the building and allied trades, now sitting at a computer for most of the day has taken it’s toll on my otherwise fine physique. Did that sound believable? No I didn’t think so, but I am going to have to try harder. See that’s the real reason why I don’t like going to consult medical practitioners, it inevitably means you have to do something you’d rather not.
By the way, if you need a chiropractor in Lymington and environs, just visit the Lymington Chiropractic Clinic, ask for Steph and tell her I sent you. You won’t get any particular benefit other than her excellent treatment, but I always wanted to write that.