Rodent deodorant

No, I don’t know whether that’s it’s proper name, but the important thing is it works. Pest control guy turned up with a cold so couldn’t smell anything, bit of a problem in his line of work. None the less he still found a mouse which even I could tell was decidedly dead. Probably something to do with the house fly maggots, there’s another infestation waiting to happen!

Having got rid of the reachable offending rodent, we were still faced with another in a decidedly unreachable part of the attic. Cue Rodent Deodorant! With suitable material soaked in this stuff and an unerring aim, RD got to work neutralising the niff. Apparently it doesn’t just mask the smell, it neutralises it and gives off an aroma generously described as flowery. The theory is that is will continue to neutralise the smell until there is no smell left. So far so good.

You know that old saying “You learn something new every day”? Here’s today’s opportunity. The buzz in the rodent control community at the moment is the enormous increase in wood mouse infestations, which is apparently what we had. Another thing to blame on global warming as cold winters stop them breeding. Upside is that there are a lot more raptors about as mice are a handy bite-sized snack. No not the things from Jurassic Park, the birds of prey. Significantly however, they do not follow the mice indoors. Probably for the best, not sure how the cat would cope with that.